Somatic Emotional Release
6 week program
6 x one-on-one sessions conducted via zoom (1 session per week).
For adults only.
Read about Somatic Emotional Release here.
Arrange a free 30 min call to see if Somatic Emotional Release is for you.
Naturopathy & Nutrition Initial Consultation
75 mins
I provide consults for:
Children under 2yo
Women over 18yo
Pregnant women
Postpartum women
Conducted via zoom.
A through and holistic review of your (or your child's) current health concern and health history in detail, as well as a nutritional assessment, in order to provide the nutritional, wholefood recommendations and personalised supplement and herbal medicine recommendations will be made, if indicated.
Following each appointment, you will receive a personalised treatment plan via email.
Follow up Naturopathy & Nutrition Consultation
40 mins
Continuation of care for health concerns.
Assessment of present health and current symptoms to review and adjust treatment plan.
Discovery Call
15 mins
A free 15 min phone call to see if Naturopathy, Nutrition or Somatic Emotional Release is the right fit for you.
In this call you can share what you're looking for support with and ask any questions about the services I provide. I will be able to provide information about how Naturopathy, Nutrition or Somatic Emotional Release can help, or offer referral recommendations.
*No health advice, supplement or nutritional recommendations will be given in this call.
Pregnancy Supplement Review
20 mins
A supplement review can offer the opportunity to check if you have all your bases covered at any stage of pregnancy. Check if what you're taking (or not taking yet) is meeting your needs for you and your baby.
*For complex pregnancy conditions, a full consult would be required.